Hints & Tips at HomeWe all want to do our bit. Safety, sustainability and energy efficiency are important to us all. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference, particularly when we act collectively. Here are some top tips to help at home. |
Still using tungsten, halogen or fluorescent bulbs? Changing to LED lighting can save energy and money.
Thermal or heavy blinds and curtains can help trap heat and reduce draughts. Close them at night to reduce heating bills.
Fill a jug with tap water and leave it to cool in your fridge. You’ll save water by not having to run the tap for ages to get a cold drink.
About a quarter of all our clean, drinkable water at home is flushed down the toilet. Place a sealed bottle of water or brick in your cistern to reduce this amount.
Save energy with your washing machine. Modern washing powders often let you achieve the same results with lower temperatures.
Properly used, dishwashers use less water and energy than washing dishes by hand. However, make sure you only wash full loads and don’t pre-rinse everything in the sink first unless it really needs it.
Use a microwave. Generally a microwave oven is the most efficient way to heat up and cook food.
Giving your plants’ roots a good soaking once or twice a week in dry weather is much better than lightly watering them every day because most of that water just evaporates away. However, new plants do need regular watering until they are established.
Solid brick walls can be insulated internally or externally to reduce heat loss.
If your charger has an LED to show it’s in use, it is still using energy until you switch it off at the wall or unplug it.